

Kinds of Buddhas

»Buddha« is no last name, as one might be inclined to think, It is a honorary title, which only is awarded to those, who achieved salvation through the own awareness. The man, who is usually described by this titel, is a historical person. He lived possibly between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. in Northern India and he was called Siddhartha Gautama, before his enlightment. The doctrine, revealed by him (Dharma), has been further developed during the centuries. This doctrine and the monastic order, founded by himself are still alive. Thanks to the brisk activity of the Tibetan Lamas in recent years, the Dhama is gaining influence in the West.
Before Gautama, there are many Buddhas, who are said to have lived and revealed the Dharma. They are called prehistorical Buddhas. Besides, there are also future-­Buddhas. They are not born yet, but are expected to arise in the coming epochs. The Buddha, we are waiting for in this era is called Maitreya.
Another group of Buddhas are the transcendent Buddhas. They are not born on Earth, in contrast to the latter. They are relieved from natural law, timeless and always present. They are also called Dhyani-Buddhas, because they can become visible during meditation (Dhyana). Some of the transcendent Buddhas are: Akshobhya, Ratnasam­bhava, Amitabha, Amogha­siddhi and Vairochana.
We offer different kinds of Buddha-statues. We specified some of them more exactly.

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Product no.: 000001103
  • Made of pure brass
  • The Medicine Buddha stands for healing all diseases
  • Also for the disease of unawareness
  • It helps to strengthen our spirit
  • He dissolves poisoned thoughts
69.95 *
Delivery weight: 1.62 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001007
Akshobhya, Anger/rage/hate. approx. 7,5 cm, approx. 230 g
17.95 *
Delivery weight: 0.23 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001126
48.95 *
Delivery weight: 1.13 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001127
29.50 *
Delivery weight: 0.45 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001109

Akshobhya (translated: the Unshakable) is generally known as the Buddha touching the Earth with his right hand.

11.40 *
Delivery weight: 0.1 kg

can be shipped within 33 days

Product no.: 000001113
  • Kanakamuni is a Buddha of antiquity
  • means translated "the golden wise man"
  • out of brass
  • With turquoise and coral stones
  • sitting
42.00 *
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001104
  • Made of pure brass
  • Amitabha represents distinctiveness
  • We recognize our attachments
  • We gain the strength to let go of these attachments
69.95 *
Delivery weight: 1.79 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001114

Ratnasambhava, Proud and arrogance approx. 7,5 cm, approx. 230 g

17.95 *
Delivery weight: 0.23 kg

can be shipped within 94 days

Product no.: 000001130
Vairocana Buddha, Ignorance/Lack of Knowledge. ca. 7,5 cm, ca. 230 g
17.95 *
Delivery weight: 0.23 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001136
156.00 *
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001137
29.60 *
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001411
56.00 *
Delivery weight: 0.23 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001458
29.60 *
Delivery weight: 0.23 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001455
138.00 *
Delivery weight: 2.3 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001465
198.00 *
Delivery weight: 3.98 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery