


Garuda is praised as godly being. He is half man, half eagle - a creature with an alerting mind who is flying through the air with its golden wings. He is seen as a undquot;messenger of godsundquot; as he lives in between worlds. He brings news and godly guidance to humans. Garuda is also seen as an annihilator of demons. Through his bright and golden size dark shadows are engulfed. This is symbolically indicted through holding a snake in his mouth, ready to swallow up. Especially nowadays it is extremely essential having Garuda at one s side. He will protectively spread his huge wings and ward each dark assault. He is vigilantly building and strengthening a connection with godly spheres. And who knows.... One day we might be carried on his wide wing directly to higher spheres.

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Product no.: 000001684

Brass, 12 kg

Length approx. 33.5 cm
Width approx. 19 cm

Height approx. 30 cm
Spread of wings approx. 40 cm

480.00 *
Delivery weight: 12 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Product no.: 000001689
77.00 *
Delivery weight: 12 kg

can be shipped within 5 days

Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery